5 easy tips for setting "A successful and productive morning routine"

Asma Owais
4 min readJan 1, 2022

A “successful morning routine” doesn't exist…What works for me might not work for you, right? After all, we are all different.

A morning routine is a simpler and easy approach to boost productivity. It minimizes stress and guarantees that we keep to the good habits we have set for ourselves.

So if you want to develop a morning routine that is perfect for you, that makes you more productive, continue reading further.

1. Ask yourself why

Sticking to a routine is not easy. You should know why you're doing it? what is the purpose? If you don't know the answer to why you're putting these efforts into it, you're likely to become agitated.

To begin, first, determine what you intend to gain from an effective morning routine. Whatever it is, you must have compelling reasons to convince yourself to wake up early.

When things will become difficult, this WHY will keep you going without losing hope. You'll be more motivated.

2. Make small changes and be consistent

It is always advisable to make tiny changes over time while creating new behaviors.

Don’t startle your system. Gradually, but continuously, alter your behavior.
Changes that appear little at first will compound into extraordinary benefits if you are consistent.

If you generally get up at 11 a.m., don’t set your alarm for 5.00 o’clock, it will be hard for you to achieve.

Set your alarm for 10 50 instead, just 10 minutes prior you wake up. Then, after you’ve established consistency, proceed to 10:00 a.m., and so on.

Nothing will work unless you are constant in your efforts.

3. Make your plans the night before.

You will not always be in the most motivated state of mind. So, plan ahead of time.

Remove distractions and put up clues to make it easier for yourself. There are several things you may do to assist you in sticking to your morning routine.

The lack of a morning strategy might be enough to put you back to sleep. You should know exactly what to do when you wake up.

4. Get a good night’s sleep

A lack of sleep, or sleep of low quality, is linked to a variety of unfavorable effects. You won’t be able to get out of bed early.

Go to bed early. Sleep at least 8 hours. This way you'll feel energized, refreshed and will be able to concentrate on things effortlessly.

For some, 6 hours is sufficient, while for others, closer to 9 hours is required. It is up to your body and what makes you feel the best.

Set your schedule according to what your body demands. Don't force yourself to function properly when you know you can’t.

5. Begin your day with a good, healthful breakfast and workout

Those who eat breakfast have greater memory and focus, according to research.So don’t skip your breakfast at any cost. It will help you feel energized all day.

Breakfast is frequently referred to as “the most essential meal of the day,” and for good reason. It’s the first meal of the day and it provides energy to body and brain to function throughout the day.

And do simple exercises or stretches which makes you more active,improves your mood and mental health. So take atleast 5 minutes out of your time to work out.

That’s it for today…

I hope you enjoyed reading and this article was helpful for you, if you have made it to the end, comment SUPERB besties ❤

