15 qualified and easiest habits leading to a healthier life

Asma Owais
7 min readNov 9, 2021

Do you think adopting a healthy lifestyle is impossible? My dear, nothing is impossible if you put in some effort.

Secondly, you have to be consistent and motivated to achieve your goal more easily.

In this article, you’ll find 15 easy ways that’ll help you lead a life ( a healthy life) you always dreamed of.

So let’s get into it.

1. Drink clean water

You all must have heard that drinking more water is necessary for our bodies to function properly. But only a few people emphasize drinking clean water which is as important as drinking more water. Makes sense?

We drink water to hydrate ourselves but now we also have to make sure that it’s clean. If you’re not sure of your water source, you must boil your water before you drink it.

We can’t afford any risk when it comes to our health, right?. Boiling water will kill diseases - causing organisms in the water.

2. Consume a healthy diet

This is important and you must consume a diet full of nutrients. Add fruits and vegetables to make your diet more meaningful.

Make sure that you consume green vegetables as it helps reduce the risk of heart diseases and protect against certain types of cancers.

Add protein to your diet. Eat more fish and drink more milk to make your bones strong. Base your meals on starchy food to reduce the risk of diseases especially malnutrition.

And the most important part, don’t skip your morning meal-Breakfast.

Having a healthy breakfast improves your concentration and performance during the day and lowers your cholesterol.

3. Refrain from drinking alcohol

You all know that consuming alcohol is dangerous for our health. It can lead to health problems such as mental and behavioral disorders, heart diseases as well as injuries due to unconsciousness.

If you’re addicted to alcohol and have health problems should stop drinking alcohol immediately. They can limit it by setting a drinking goal and increasing no. of alcohol-free days or simply by switching on other liquids like you can drink tea, sparkling water, fresh juices, etc. instead of alcohol.

4. Limit social media usage

You can take a break from social media if you’re feeling too low and restless. To have a peaceful life, avoid using too much social media as it affects your brain in every possible way.

We start feeling insecure about our bodies and skin. It leads to depression, low self-esteem, and self-image.

All you see on social media is not always true. People don’t post their failures, right?

So while using social media, keep this thing in your mind that you don’t have to compare yourself or your body to other edited photos on social media.

You can deactivate your account, disable it or just limit the usage by using apps like Forest.

5. Practice self-love

Allow yourself to make mistakes. Accept yourself the way you are and don’t try to be fake or be someone you aren’t. Instead, accept your flaws. Remember that no one is perfect.

Recognize and accept your emotional state, know that you can’t be happy all the time. So be patient, give yourself time and believe yourself. Don’t overthink about anything. Have faith in God that He surely has better plans for you.

Stop comparing yourself to others, stay away from toxic people, and don’t be afraid to let go of toxic people.

6. Get tested and vaccinated

This is an important step in knowing your health status. Whether you have symptoms of a disease or not, by getting tested, you’ll know how to either continue preventing diseases or, if you’re ill, get the treatment you require.

Getting vaccinated is an important thing we can do to protect ourselves from diseases. Not only do we protect ourselves from ill health but also protect other people in our surroundings.

However, if we stop getting vaccinated, it is possible for diseases to quickly spread again.

7. Avoid unhealthy food

Limit your intake of unhealthy fat. This will aid in the prevention of unhealthy weight gain and NCDs.

Avoid ultra-possessed food as it contains unhealthy levels of sugar, sodium, and fat.

Limit junk food and shift to a healthy diet. Junk food is extremely low in nutrients and consumption of junk food and is a major cause of obesity, digestion issues, acne, depression, and malnutrition.

8. Talk to someone

If you’re feeling worthless, useless, hopeless, you believe you have nothing to offer the world or fighting depression,

listen! Talk to someone, it can be anyone.

Remember that you’re not alone going through this. Don’t give up and feel unworthy because of someone who doesn’t appreciate you.

You deserve all the happiness sweetheart.
So make sure you discuss your feelings with someone you trust, who can be a friend, colleague, family member, or mental health expert.

9. Wash and moisturize your hands

Thoroughly wash your hands especially before and after meals. Clean hands prevent the spread of infectious illness-wash your hands with soap or clean them with a towel.

Wash your hands often so that you stay away from bacteria and germs.

After washing your hands, moisturize them. Don’t forget that Moisturizer is a key to healthy skin.

10. Safe food preparation

If you are preparing food, wash your hands prior you handle or preparing food. Also, clean the surface.

Make sure you wash the vegetables and other raw foods before you prepare them.

Use a variety of spices and herbs to add additional flavor to your food rather than just relying on salt and pepper.

Cook food at a safe temperature. You can check the temperature using the food thermometer.

11. Road safety

You all must be aware of road traffic injuries that remain a public health problem.

You can avoid road accidents by obeying traffic laws such as wearing a seatbelt in the car, wearing a helmet when riding a motorcycle or bicycle.

You should have knowledge about traffic rules and should follow Safety rules, drive according to them, and must possess a driver’s license.

12. Don’t smoke

Smoking is a physical addiction and psychological habit. It is not easy to kick this habit easily but we can try.

I know not all of you smoke so those who don’t smoke, never try smoking as it is dangerous for health and it leads to lung disease, heart disease, and stroke. That’s fantastic if you’re not a smoker!

And If you’re a smoker, it’s not too late to quit. Here are some tips for you.
Set a quit date in the next two weeks, tell your friends and colleagues that you’re planning to quit smoking, and tell them you need their full support and encouragement. Remove cigarettes and tobacco from your home or working space so that you don’t go back to it.

13. Get engaged in physical activities

This includes exercises and activities undertaken while working, playing, traveling, running or brisk walking, doing household chores, etc.

Some of its benefits are that it reduces the risk of anxiety and depression, builds your muscles, help you sleep better and sound makes your mood better, strengthen your bones, reduces the risk of cancers, makes your mind sharper, and improves the quality of life.

So, take some time out of your busy schedule for physical activity, at least 30 minutes a day and trust me it will make your life worth living.

14. Go for regular check ups

Knowing your health status is really important and for this you need to have regular checkups. It’ll reduce the risk of complications by keeping a close eye on existing conditions.

If you’re a blood pressure patient, have your blood pressure checked on a regular basis by a health professional so you know where you stand.

Consult a health professional if your blood pressure continues to be high or too low.

Form a strong relationship with your doctor so that treatment can be more effective and he knows everything about your health and have your health history and suggest you according to it.

By avoiding expensive medical services, you can save money on healthcare over time.

Last but not least,

15. Get enough sleep

Sleep for at least 8 hours and you’ll feel refreshed and motivated, plus it’ll help with your dark circles.

Plus, make sure that your room is quiet, relaxing and you don’t have any of your gadgets lying beside your bed so that you sleep soundly.
And be consistent and sleep on the same time everyday so that your brain get used to it and you don’t have to sleep forcefully.

That’s it for today..

I hope you enjoyed reading and this article was helpful for you, if you have made it to the end, comment SUPERB besties <3

Did I miss out on anything important about a healthy lifestyle? Do let me know in the comment section below.

